So it's been a little while since I wrote last. I've been dealing with a bit of illness that has caused me to drop some serious weight lately and have been having trouble putting it back on. I've not felt perfect most recently but not miserable either. Just kind of HERE. Anyway this will be a short post tonight I just witnessed something that I had to share though. Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that I'm a voracious reader. I read just about anything i can get my hands on. I've pretty much always been this way ever since I could read. When I was a child I used to sneak and sit in front of the night light and read until I was caught or I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. That habit has kind of stayed with me into adulthood.... Not getting caught, but the reading late into the night until my eyes burn. I'm to the point that I find it nearly impossible to go to sleep without reading a chapter of SOMETHING. Even if it's from the 30 or so books I've got piled up on my nightstand that I've read each at least three times. I bring this up because of my oldest daughter. You see she has learned to read last year and may even be a better reader at her age than I was. So this evening I tuck them in bed and tell them to go to sleep. Almost every night I end up hearing pages turn and I'll growl into the bedroom "Go to Sleeep... Stop Reading!!!" This evening as in many others as I put No. 1 daughter in her bed I told her to give me the book I could see lying next to her pillow. She meekly "yes, daddy'ed" me and handed it over when No. 2 daughter pipes up from her bottom bunk. "she has lots of books hidden in her bed daddy!!!", she says. Ok No. 1 hand 'em over. This is what she gave me.....
The Pile as I shall call it is just a touch over 6" tall. Consists of both English and Japanese books and on top is a bound deck of quiz cards. I am very proud of my childs reading ability and her desire to read but WTF? I'll have to ask my dad if I ever went to this extreme. I don't know how she even put her legs under the covers, the books were everywhere!! Hope everyone is doing well. I'll post again soon.